Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence has become more popular in the corporate world these days, its importance being fueled by an increased concern of the enterprises for their employees’ emotional health.

The concept has been brought to the attention of the wider, non-professional audience by Daniel Goleman, an internationally known psychologist and the author of the book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ”, first published in 1995. Since its initial publication the book has been translated and re-published in several languages around the Globe (40 languages) in more than 5 Million copies.

D. Goleman defines Emotional Intelligence as:

The ability to Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions as well as Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.

While IQ has been for long the only metric of intelligence used in academic and professional areas, success in life and career proved to be determined by a breadth of other traits that were not included in the IQ metrics.

By observing the previous works of the two researchers – Peter Salavoy and John Mayer – who have ceated the term Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI), and Howard Gardner’s study of “Multiple Intelligences” (’80s), Goleman defines five skill sets of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being:

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Self Regulation
  3. Motivation
  4. Empathy
  5. Social Skills

For these skills make an important part of ones success in life and career, they play a central role in personal development and can thus be measured and developed through several tools and techniques.

Personal Development is one of the central concerns of our community. As such we have gathered in our team experienced professionals that can provide expertise and support in preparing yourself and/or your employees for the personal and professional challenges of the future.

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